Create lists of ports

Quoting from man(8) poudriere-bulk

-f file      Absolute path to a file which contains the list of ports to
             build.  Ports must be specified in the form category/port
             and shell-style comments are allowed.  Multiple -f file
             arguments may be specified at once.

By default, the generation of the lists is enabled

poudriere_pkglists: true

By default, no architecture is selected

poudriere_pkg_arch: []

Set the required architectures that the packages will be built for, e.g.

poudriere_pkg_arch: [amd64]

For the selected architectures, set the lists of the dictionaries in the variables pkgdict_*.yml and, optionally, disable some lists, e.g.

  apcups: false
  linux: false
  devel: false
  joomla: false
  yazvs: false
  nginx: false
  docker: false
  snmpd: false

Create the lists

shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t poudriere_pkglists

Review the created lists of ports

[root@build /usr/home/admin]# tree /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/
|-- jails
|   `-- 12amd64
|       |-- arch
|       |-- method
|       |-- mnt
|       |-- timestamp
|       `-- version
|-- pkglist_amd64
|   |-- ansible
|   |-- apache
|   |-- dhcp
|   |-- dns
|   |-- hostap
|   |-- integrity
|   |-- jail
|   |-- leutils
|   |-- mailserver
|   |-- mailserver_sieve
|   |-- mailserver_spamassasin
|   |-- mcrypt
|   |-- minimal
|   |-- mysql
|   |-- mysql_extra
|   |-- pf
|   |-- php
|   |-- postinstall
|   |-- poudriere
|   |-- procmail
|   |-- python
|   |-- roundcube
|   |-- roundcube_aspell
|   |-- rsnapshot
|   |-- security
|   |-- smart
|   |-- ssmtp
|   `-- wpa_supplicant
|-- pkglist_amd64.disabled
|   |-- apcups
|   |-- devel
|   |-- docker
|   |-- joomla
|   |-- linux
|   |-- nginx
|   |-- snmpd
|   `-- yazvs
`-- ports
    `-- local
        |-- created_fs
        |-- method
        |-- mnt
        `-- timestamp

See also